This is my aunt. It's hard to take proper pictures of her, but as she always behaves like a celebrity a paparazzi shot fits her character best, anyway. On the alternate picture I asked her

current work: 30 day photochallenge at Worth1000 My theme is 'family', which means that a member of my family (including myself) has to be in every picture I take. Even if there are only small parts of them, like hands, or a single part in macro, it counts ;)
3 Kommentare:
Hahahah, love the one where you asked ^^
She has really nice eyes.
I must say that I far prefer the exposure on your outtake one. The brightness on the one you posted is far too distracting although I like the paparazzi idea.
You definitely have that paparazzi feel going for it. However I do like that outtake shot as well.
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