And then... my second cat died yesterday because he should have had an operation but the aenesthetics made his heart stop. He turned blue and died, just like that. And he was only 9 months old :*(

current work: 30 day photochallenge at Worth1000 My theme is 'family', which means that a member of my family (including myself) has to be in every picture I take. Even if there are only small parts of them, like hands, or a single part in macro, it counts ;)
4 Kommentare:
Really nice cat-shot. Kathi is beautiful.
R.I.P Linusch.
Nice shot. Love the gold eyes. The first name that came into my mind for this cat was "Midnight".
Sorry to hear about your cat. Sounds very sad and unfortunate. I do like the eyes and textures in this image. Very nice.
Wow what beautiful eyes!
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