Sonntag, 6. Mai 2007

day 29

One more day to go!!!

4 Kommentare:

Norm hat gesagt…

I don't know how you did this, but I really like it. Well done, including the border.

L.Collentine hat gesagt…

Wow! That looks awesome! I'd never have thought about doing that with my lamp, you are really creative love. <3

kimbomac hat gesagt…

Wow, I have no idea what this is or what you did to get it (although manfromsun alludes to a lamp...?). It has the illusion of someone drowning or something and disappearing into the depths of dark water, whilst looking upward, through the bubbles towards the sunlight. Great border treatment too. Very well done.

fatheroftwo hat gesagt…

When you first look at this image you are sure that its been taken underwater, looking at the surface with a hand over the sunlight and the little bits are things floating on the water. Then you realise that its one of those light things with the long strands. This realisation though doesn't lessen this image's impact. Wonderful image!!