Samstag, 14. April 2007

day 07

My mum and some pieces of leaf gelatine she had been cooking with before. I saw them and thought they might make a good picture together ;)

2 Kommentare:

L.Collentine hat gesagt…

Yup, she definitely is.

There's one thing about the picture that I don't really like, your camera has focused on the background so my attention is drawn there, would have preferred if it was more blurry and she was in focus.

Another nice picture though, looking forward to seeing tomorrows.

kimbomac hat gesagt…

This is a bit strange for me, cos all the blurry plastic or whatever she has in front of her face, distorts and detracts from the main subject, leaving us only the background to look at. If there was no background (all black, or all white), it might bring attention back to the obscured face, but as it is, I feel there is just too much to look at and not enough direction as to exactly where my focus should be...