Dienstag, 17. April 2007

day 10

Being a pupil is hard, believe me =X
My brother can tell stories about it, too. "It doesn't matter how hard I work or how long I study, if I'm not interested in it, (and I'm not) I will never remember it"

6 Kommentare:

L.Collentine hat gesagt…

Oooh, this is nice too : ))

I don't think being a pupil in Sweden is as hard as it is in Austria, not much studying done by me. ^^

kimbomac hat gesagt…

Love that cool window lighting. So gentle and subtle. Very nicely done.

Unknown hat gesagt…

I like the mood set here, a stolen moment from someone else's concentration. It reminds me of movies about famous writers.. of course the writer in this case is perhaps a bit young, but hey :)

Norm hat gesagt…

This is my favorite of all the ones you've done. Very nice.

Nick hat gesagt…

This is a grade A first class shot. I really mean that. The tones, the mood, the whole thing. Your lights and darks are balanced well you have great quality of light. And to top that all off your photo tells a story. Very well done! The best of your bunch so far. Really first class stuff.

Ziaphra hat gesagt…

This is such a great shot!